We sell a greener tomorrow

Start building your own business with minimum investments

About Us
We take our role as a dealer seriously and we are dedicated to providing our dealership with the support that they need to succeed. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or new to the business world, we will work with you to help achieve your goals and build a successful business.

Thank you for considering us as an opportunity to build your dealership . We look forward to working with you to build a better, more sustainable future for us all.
We are a rapidly expanding company, selling electric vehicles, that began operating as a dealer. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are passionate about delivering quality electric vehicles to customers around the world.

We are proud of the exceptional service provided by our team of likeminded and eco-conscious people. We believe that the future of the automobile industry lies in electric vehicles, and we are committed to doing our part to make that future a reality.
As a multi-brand dealer, you will have the opportunity to lead a business that requires no investment and brings virtually immediate tangible income. Here is what you can expect:
This is a unique and attractive proposition for entrepreneurs looking to start a new business or diversify their existing portfolio. If you're passionate about electric vehicles and devoted to delivering quality service to customers, we invite you to consider joining our dealership network today.
The capability to buy new electric vehicles that are in stock and create custom factory orders.
The chance to expand your dealership through our active partner program.
The ability to connect to global deliveries worldwide through our CRM system.
A website tailor-made to promote sales as well as growth in your country using your native language.
The freedom to operate as an online company, without expensive showrooms or special premises.
Since internet entrepreneurship has always been welcomed, entering the business is simple, no matter what country you are in.


Marketing and Sales
$208.58 billion
Global Market Analysis
The global market for all-electric vehicles continues to grow exponentially as consumers and governments prioritize sustainability and emission reduction. According to recent study from Precedence Research, the global market for all-electric vehicles was valued at $208.58 billion in 2022 and is projected to increase at an average annual rate of 23.1% to exceed $1.1 trillion by 2030.
There are several factors driving this, including increasing awareness of climate change, the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, improvements in battery technology and infrastructure, government incentives and regulations aimed at promoting the adoption of electric vehicles.

With electric vehicles being projected to account for 60% of the global market by 2040 and this shift already being felt across the industry, traditional automakers are investing heavily in the development of electric vehicles.

This opportunity provides companies a positive trend for both the environment and the economy, poised to continue driving growth in the years to come.
$1.1 trillion
Consumer Analysis
As environmental concerns continue to grow; more consumers are becoming eco-conscious and are looking to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the most significant ways that they can do this is by choosing to drive an all-electric vehicle.

Chinese factories, which are some of the world's largest producers of electric vehicles, are currently overloaded with new orders as demand continues to grow. This is not only due to the increasing demand from consumers, but also due to new regulations and incentives from governments aimed at promoting the adoption of electric vehicles.
In Europe, the European Parliament has recently set new climate goals, which include a mandate that from 2035 only climate-neutral cars will be allowed in the EU. This is a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting the adoption of eco-friendly vehicles. It is expected to further increase demand for electric vehicles and drive innovation in the industry.

Overall, the consumer is focused on sustainability and reducing their impact on the environment. Being well-informed and willing to make choices that align with their values.
Competitive Analysis

Our company is proud to be the leading the way for electric vehicles in the international market. We are confident after having carefully analysed the competition, that we have no direct competitors in this space.

Our extensive selection of electric vehicles from top manufacturers, our user-friendly online platform, and our commitment to providing exceptional customer service with our team of experts are just a few of the exciting factors that will set us apart from the competition and will see us leading the charge into an eco-friendlier future.

While there are other companies in the market that offer electric vehicles for sale, none can match our comprehensive selection or the convenience and ease of use of our online platform. We are committed to making the process of buying an electric vehicles as simple and straightforward as possible.
In addition, our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support to our customers looking for advice on which model to choose or assistance with financing or delivery.
A Plethora of Marketing Measures
The ENON Trading Company Limited brand recognizes the importance of effective marketing measures to increase our overall reach, establish ourselves in the minds of consumers and ultimately drive the sale of electric vehicles. Our marketing strategy is focused on creating brand awareness, increasing consumer knowledge of our product and attracting customers through a range of tactics.

Our aim is to create brand recognition for ENON Trading Company Limited on an international scale. This involves a strong focus on branding, using distinctive logos, slogans and visual design elements that set our brand apart. Creating a strong and consistent brand identity allows us to build trust and recognition with customers, giving way to “word of mouth” marketing to further drive new customers to our vehicles as well as repeat clientele.

Our marketing department works tirelessly to improve the content of dealership sites and create a positive image for the brand. We use a plethora of tools to promote our brand in all popular social networks. Creating content that is engaging, informative, highlights the benefits of electric vehicles, showcases our product range as well as demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

In addition to social media promotion, we also utilize a host of other marketing tactics to reach customers and drive sales. Using targeted advertising campaigns such as Google Ads, allows us to reach potential customers who are actively searching for electric vehicles. We also invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that our website ranks higher and is therefore more likely to be seen when potential customers search using relevant terms.

Finally, we believe in the importance of providing exceptional customer service and support to drive sales as well as build customer loyalty. Our marketing strategy includes ongoing efforts to improve the customer experience. This involves offering financing options, providing detailed product information and specifications and other innovative features that make the process of purchasing an electric vehicle as easy and convenient as possible.

Our selection of marketing measures to create brand awareness, attract customers and provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. By utilising a range of tactics, we can build trust and loyalty with customers, ultimately positioning ENON Trading Company Limited as a leader in the international market for electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular around the world and many countries are taking steps to create a more supportive economic environment for this emerging technology. One of the key trends in this area is the creation of a charging infrastructure, which is critical to the growth and adoption of this technology.

Many countries are investing in the development of public charging stations, which provide a convenient and accessible way for owners to charge their vehicles while they are out and about. This infrastructure is often supported by government initiatives and subsidies, which aim to encourage the use of more environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional vehicles using combustibles as their main source of fuel.
Another important trend in the economic assessment is the reduction of import duties on electric vehicle imports into the country. This is often done to make them more affordable and accessible to consumers and to encourage the growth of the electric vehicles market within the country.

In addition to these measures, many countries are also offering incentives to owners that choose to go electric. Incentives such as free parking and access to restricted areas within cities. This encourages the use of electric vehicles as a more sustainable and eco-friendly form of transportation, as well as creating a more favourable economic environment for that market.
The economic assessment of electric vehicles is becoming increasingly positive. Many countries recognize the potential benefits of this technology and are taking steps to support its growth and adoption. By creating a more supportive environment for eco-friendly alternatives, these forward-thinking countries are driving ahead to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible transportation system and creating new opportunities for businesses and consumers.
Economic Assessment
Distribution channel analysis shows that online sales are a powerful and effective distribution channel for our company. Our strategy focuses on providing multiple options for consumers to purchase electric vehicles through digital channels.

The primary distribution channel will be through our online store, where customers can browse a selection of electric vehicles and complete their purchase directly on the website. This offers a convenient and user-friendly experience for customers, allowing them to research and compare options at their leisure before making a purchase.
We also utilize the extensive reach of social networks, such as YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, to promote and sell our product. This allows outreach to a wider audience and engagement with customers directly through the social media platforms that they are already using.
In addition, we enlist a range of specialized sales portals and affiliate link sales to reach specific target audiences and expand our market. This allows us to connect with customers who are specifically interested in electric vehicles and offer a more personalized and targeted shopping experience.

We can also email product catalogues with an order form, providing customers another option to purchase our electric vehicles directly from their inbox. This can be a particularly effective strategy for customers who are more likely to engage with email promotions and offers.
Our ENON Trading Company Limited distribution channel analysis shows that online marketing is a powerful and effective way to reach customers and drive sales. By offering multiple channels and presenting a range of options to facilitate their purchase, we can provide a personalized and convenient shopping experience that meets the needs of modern consumers.

Distribution channel analysis
Online sales of electric vehicles are becoming an increasingly popular format for buyers and sellers alike. In part, because online sales offer a range of benefits and conveniences that traditional sales methods do not.
For buyers, buying online offers a convenient and easy way to browse and purchase a wide range of electric vehicles from anywhere in the world. This eliminates the need for buyers to travel to dealerships or showrooms, saving them both time and money. Buyers can research, compare and price different models, thus enabling them to make more informed purchasing decisions.

For sellers, selling online offers a powerful and cost-effective way to reach a global market of potential buyers. Eliminating the need for physical storefronts or showrooms, reducing overhead costs and increasing efficiency, as well as allowing sellers to serve many customers simultaneously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without requiring additional staff or resources.

The advantages of both buying or selling online are clear. Buyers and sellers alike enjoy greater convenience, cost savings and efficiency, all while driving growth and adoption of electric vehicles around the world.
dealership Cost and
Exclusive Rights
In addition to the financial investment, becoming a dealership also represents a significant commitment of one’s time, energy, dedication and ultimately a commitment to building a successful business. Our dealership will need to share our passion for electric vehicles and providing a better tomorrow for future generations. Our mission is clear, and we believe that whatever the endeavour, our outputs are a direct result of our inputs.

If this sounds like you and you are ready to take the next step, we invite you to contact us today to learn more about the available dealership opportunities at ENON Trading Company Limited.

On average, the cost of our dealership is $8 000 per year, though it may vary depending on the country. This investment will give you exclusive rights to use all features of the ENON Trading Company Limited brand, including the CRM system, our global network of accessible deliveries and the ability to buy and sell new electric vehicles.
As a dealer, you will have access to our ongoing support and guidance to help you grow your business.

We understand that the interdependent nature of our business means that the success of our dealership is crucial to the success of our brand. This means we are fully committed to providing you with all the resources and tools necessary for you to achieve your goals. How successful you become is only limited by how successful you want to be!
Our team is always happy to provide any additional information, answer any questions or help you get started on the path to becoming a successful dealer.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more or have any questions, we would love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at